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New Release! Chant Compendium 8 with beautiful Gregorian chant

Ave Maris Stella

1. Ave maris stella,
Dei Mater alma,
Atque semper Virgo,
Felix caeli porta.

2. Sumens illud Ave
Gabrielis ore,
Funda nos in pace,
Mutans Hevae nomen.

3. Solve vincla reis,
Profer lumen caecis:
Mala nostra pelle,
Bona cuncta posce.

4. Monstra t(e) esse matrem:
Sumat per te preces,
Qui pro nobis natus,
Tulit esse tuus.

5. Virgo singularis,
Inter omnes mitis,
Nos culpis solutos,
Mites fac et castos.

6. Vitam praesta puram,
Iter para tutum:
Ut videntes Iesum,
Semper collaetemur.

7. Sit laus Deo Patri,
Summo Christo decus,
Spiritui Sancto,
Tribus honor unus. Amen.

Click here for an English translation.

Ave maris stella is a popular liturgical hymn of unknown origin. It can be dated back to at least the 9th century for it is preserved in the Codex Sangallensis, a 9th century manuscript now in the Swiss Monastery of St. Gallen. Its appearance in the Codex points to a composition in possibly the 8th century. The hymn is frequently attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), a devout client of Our Lady, and sometimes has been attributed to King Robert (1031), both of whom are too late to have authored it. It has also been attributed to Venantius Fortunatus (d 609), who wrote many other ancient hymns, and Paul the Deacon (d 787).

It is found in ancient codices of the Divine Office for Vespers on Marian feasts. Today it is still in use in the Divine Office, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin, and as a Benediction hymn.

This is found on the following CD(s): Chant Compendium 1.

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