Creator Alme Siderum
1. Creator alme siderum,
Aeterna lux credentium,
Jesu, Redemptor omnium,
Intende votis supplicum.
2. Qui daemonis ne fraudibus
Periret orbis, impetu
Amoris actus, languidi
Mundi medela factus es.
3. Commune qui mundi nefas
Ut expiares, ad crucem
E Virginis sacrario
Intacta prodis victima.
4. Cujus potestas gloriae,
Nomenque cum primum sonat,
Et caelites et inferi
Tremente curvantur genu.
5. Te deprecamur, ultimae
Magnum diei Judicem,
Armis supernae gratiae
Defende nos ab hostibus.
6. Virtus, honor, laus, gloria,
Deo Patri cum Filio,
Sancto simul Paraclito,
In saeculorum saecula.

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The hymn Conditor alme siderum was an anonymous text from the 7th century (trans- "Creator of the stars of night") Under Pope Urban VIII, the Roman Breviary was revised in 1632, and this hymn was greatly altered, becoming Creator alme siderum. The hymn in the Liber usualis is Creator alme siderum, which maintains classic Latin poetry meters. The text translates, "Bright builder of the heavenly poles."
This is an Advent hymn -- make sure you add it to your collection, up there with Rorate Caeli Desuper and O Come, O Come Emmanuel. You and all those in your family should know these hymns well.
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