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Hail, True Victim

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Hail, true Victim, life and light
Unto sinners lending,
Ev'ry older form and rite
Hath in Thee it's ending.
Spotless in the Father's sight,
Evermore ascending,
Holy Church in bitter fight
Evermore befriending.

2. Jesus, truly in this place,
God and man resideth;
Him no shadow doth replace,
Him no rent divideth.
Very flesh, although His face,
Glorified, He hideth;
Garnered in this little space
All of Christ abideth.

3. Plead, true Victim, in our stead,
To the Father crying,
Thou, Thy children's daily bread,
Daily health supplying;
Banquet for the exile spread,
Grant us life undying:
May our love from Thine be fed,
Self and sense denying!

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