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Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

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Jesus Christ is ris'n today!
Sinners wipe your tears away!
Jesus' death upon the cross
Saveth us from endless loss.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

See the holy women come,
Bearing spices to the tomb;
Hear the white-clad angel's voice
Bid the universe rejoice.

Go tell all His brethren dear
"He is risen, nor is here!
Seek Him not among the dead;
He is risen as He said!"

Glory, Jesus be to Thee!
Thine own might hath set Thee free!
Come! for primal joy restored,
Let us bless our Paschal Lord!

This is a beautiful classic Catholic hymn, used by the universal Church for countless decades. It expresses the most fervent joy at the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a perfectly fitting Easter hymn, expressing all the usual sentiments Catholics should have during the Paschal season.

NOTE: There is more than one melody for this beautiful hymn. There are also multiple translations. Many hymnals have a certain melody, but there is another one -- apparently more rare (found in the Traditional Roman Hymnal) which is far more joyful, exalted, and moving. Click here to download this better melody! These words fit either one, so you can choose the melody you prefer.

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