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New Release! Chant Compendium 8 with beautiful Gregorian chant

English translation of
Audi Benigne Conditor
O Kind Creator

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O Kind Creator, how Thine ear;
Mark Thou our prayer and contrite tears,
Unto Thy throne of mercy raised,
Through holy fast of forty days.

Our hearts are open before Thee,
Searcher of our infirmity;
Now as we turn to seek Thy face,
Pour down on us redeeming grace.

As sinners we offend indeed,
Yet spare those who still trust in Thee;
And for the honor of Thy name,
Our languid souls to life reclaim.

Let now the body be put down;
By sense and sin the same unowned:
We ask of Thee, do Thou concede,
That fasting hearts from vice recede.

Grant, O most Holy Trinity,
One undivided Unity,
That by the bodies' fasting blest,
Thy faithful souls in Thee may rest.

Alternate translation:

Thou loving Maker of mankind,
Before Thy throne we pray and weep!
Oh, strengthen us with grace divine
Duly this sacred Lent to keep.

Searcher of hearts! Thou dost our ills
Discern, and all our weakness know;
Again to Thee with tears we turn,
Again to us Thy mercy show.

Much have we sinned; but we confess
Our guilt, and all our faults deplore:
Oh, for the praise of Thy great name
Our fainting souls to health restore!

And grant us, while by fasts we strive
This mortal body to control,
To fast from all the food of sin,
And so to purify the soul.

Hear us, O Trinity thrice blest!
Sole Unity! to Thee we cry:
Vouchsafe us from these fasts below
To reap immortal fruit on high.

Click here for the Latin lyrics.

This is the Vespers hymn for all of Lent, except for the last two weeks (Passiontide), at which time the Vespers hymn switches to Vexilla Regis Prodeunt.

It embodies what every Catholic should be praying for during this holy penetential season of Lent. We should be offering up our prayers, almsgiving and sacrifices to beg God's forgiveness for our sins, and to beg for the graces we need.

This is found on the following CD(s): Chant Compendium 3.

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